Getting resources to those in need, the intelligent way.

There are over $200B of unallocated charitable contributions in the United States. Has your organization gotten their share?

Donors and philanthropists in the US are increasingly turning to the use of donor-advised fund (DAF) accounts for their charitable giving. DAF accounts allow grantors to donate money and other assets in the present and decide in the future which organizations receive those donations. Unfortunately, there is no publicly-available list of DAF grantors that can be used by non-profits to solicit donations.

Swarmalytics’ AI-based predictive models finds DAF grantors who would otherwise be unknown to charitable organizations.

Applying artificial swarm intelligence to enhanced data sets, Swarmalytics has predicted DAF grantor status with a remarkable degree of success for many of the largest non-profits in the United States. Through automation and parallel processing, these predictive models can now be built for your large- or medium-sized non-profit organization.